Monday, 6 June 2005

Van mij

Volgens mij ben je verschrikkelijk lief
maar ja, wat rijmt er op lief?

Zoveel vrouwen, en toch is het raar
want van jouw unieke schoonheid bestaat geen tweede exemplaar
Een vogel zingt, de boom vangt wind
mijn hartje klopt
de wereld met jou is goed gezind
Ik geloof dat iedereen die jou kent
denkt dat jij een godin bent
Het is écht, doch maar even
maar op elke wolk staat jouw naam geschreven
Mooie ogen, lief gezicht, prachtige lach
het deed me nix
totdat ik jou zag
Wie schoonheid en gratie weet in te schatten op waarde
weet dat jij met jouw prachtige en lieve uitstraling de mooiste bent op aarde
Het is typisch dat er op deze aardkloot
Maar één mooie vrouw als jij rondloopt
We leven met onze ogen dicht
Toch doen we alles wat we willen
We grijpen naar de keel
iets anders doen verstikt ons
we lopen dus maar gewoon mee in het gareel
Maria Maria,
All I wanna do is
See ya
Een gedichtje voor mijn liefje
Een klein, ontdeugend hartendiefje
Ik ben gek op haar zoals ze is
Een statige dame, lief en gis.
I write you this letter
Which I hope will make you feel better
Cause I tell you this
I love you much. Kiss...
Alle mannen fantaseren altijd over de vrouw van hun dromen
Ik ben haar al lang tegengekomen.
Pijn, pijn is al wat ik kan schrijven
En zolang jij er niet bent, zal dat altijd zo blijven
Een gedichtje voor mijn liefje
een ondeugend hartendiefje
Pikken en jatten is haar gave
want ze steelt harten als de rave
Nu ben ik tot mijn spijt
mijn eigen hartje kwijt
ligt-ie bij de Amerikanen, de Russen?
Of bij mijn liefje onder haar kussen
Ik wist 't niet, weet 't niet en zal 't nooit weten
maar zonder mijn hart kan ik haar nooit vergeten
I think I have lost my mind
For my brains I cannot find
Not for me, but for you all too bad
Because a brainless man cannot be sad
Your eyes
are nice
Your eyes
are very nice
And different things are going through my brain
beautiful, how this word to explain?
So I imagine Armstrong in a rocket
staring his eye out of its socket
This shiny blue pearl in a black space
round, gorgeous and full of grace
Seeing Earth from very far,
that is how beautiful your eyes are
Mijn geliefde, zo dichtbij, doch zo ver weg.
Daar is ze, ze speelt met m'n hand en woelt door m'n haar.
We zitten op een bankje in het park en fluisteren elkaar woordjes toe.
Maaike, zo noemen we het als het een meisje wordt, zegt ze.
Max, als het een jongetje wordt, antwoord ik.
De zon, zo ver dat ik 'm niet kan aanraken.
Hij speelt met mijn gedachte.
De wilg boven ons treurt.
Hij weet dat ik straks wakker zal worden
You are the queen of beauty, my princess
No name
just a flame
a flame inside
hard to hide
a flame so true
a flame for you
not on demand
but I can't
can't give you passion
can't make it your fashion
no flow
'cause I don't know!
I was walking on the street
When I fell on my feet
It hurts, so I go to my flat
I find out that they stole my bed
So I sleep on the floor
Next to the door
Next morning, somebody opened the thing
But I am already standing
Now it hurts twice
And I roll my dice
But it shows three
So I'm looking for more pain on me
Confusion on me everywhere
I haven't fought with a bear
Pain number three I have found:
You're not around
De tijd gaat snel,
maar jou herinner ik me nog wel
Sinds kort zit ik op gitaarles,
dus binnenkort sta ik onder jouw bordes
Alleen met jouw lach
Doorsta ik de dag
Love is like a dream, you can't touch it.
You are like love, cause you are in my dreams.
In my dreams I can touch you.
In my dreams I feel breath.
In my dreams I can feel your heartbeat.
When I am not dreaming, I am sad.
You're so far away, it makes me mad.
I then think that you're in this place,
A place that's dark, but full of life.
A place that isn't in the middle, though it's the centre.
The only place where love is.
A place called heart.
Who makes me hurt?
Who gave me this heart?
Who made love possible?
Who arranged meeting Nynke?
Whoever did this all, be fair and give me the only thing that made this poem possible.
A poem a poem, who can let a poem appear out of a high hat?
I do not think it is as easy like that.
Do I hereby present to you a hat and a pen?
Nice start, but do you still think you can?
No, for you have discouraged me to create one.
So, that means we are done?
Yes, thank you very much.
No worries mate.
your body, your face, your smile and your heart
it is God's definition of the finest art
the sky is blue
the sun is kind
my feelings are true
you are always on my mind
maybe to you it doesn't matter
but with you, my life has become so much better
Poetry is not a thing for me
But while thinking of you, it's so easy
[begin weggelaten]
But mostly I wanted us to stay at that place
So I could look all day at your pretty face
But I am here and you are far away
And I have all these things to say
So I am asking everybody and everything above
Please don't let time be stronger than love
Maria Maria
Again I say these words twice
But I can't help it, they sound so nice
The perfect name for the perfect girl
Beautiful as the most precious pearl
But a stone is cold and you are not
And you can smile and I like that a lot
More precious than anything on this globe
Is being with you, the only thing I hope
To quote Macy Gray 'I need your love, kisses and such...'
I'd like to add: I also need your touch
So please never ask again: 'am I too much?'
I am happy, and that took a while
I found it out and now I smile
I have been crazy about her for so long
But there seemed to be something wrong
I love her but I don't want her in my presence
And of course thàt is an essence
I asked, listened, looked and searched
I have run, hide, tried and emerged
Bad letters have been written, silences fell
It was a bad, sad story to tell
And now, even if she doesn't love me back
I know that I am on the right track
For I have a reason; so I know
But should I wait or just let it go?
God gaf mij de kracht jou lief te hebben
Liefde die nooit werd beantwoord
M'n ziel stierf en m'n hart brak
Zonder het te weten heb jij me vermoord
Nu weet ik pas wat echte liefde is
nooit meer last van dat ene gemis
Een gemis, een klein stukje zwart
in een verder geheel rood hart
what can i do?
what do i want to do?
where can i do it?
how do i do it?
is it far away?
is it close by?
where is she?
where are her eyes?
i must see in the eyes of the beholder.

if she isnt here, where is she?
is she in the sky?
is she in my heart?
is she with her lover?
i cant see her.
she should be here, with her lover.
but what can i do?
she is not here.

do i have pain?
does it hurt?
what are my feelings?
can anyone tell?
why are you asking?
she is not here.
she is not here with me.
why do you ask?

because without her i cant feel.
i have no control.
i killed the rabbit's tail.
it is running after me.
it turns me red.
like the fly on the wind.
like the wind over the sea.
the thoughts of the sea are whispering.
the mouth of the desert is inhaling them.
now the eagle on top of the man knows.
it feels her eyes.
up in the stars it is dark.
the sun cannot reach their spirit.
they are gone because they are sad.
sad because the sun cannot reach the spirits of the stars.
the light is heavy and falls.
falls together with the winds.
they fall down to up.and suck
everything with them.
they all stand on their place.
up ahead is the hand that gives.
he gives everthing back.
but then he closes it.
we are captured.
the hand turns and we also fall up.
i can see darkness laugh.
still no lights in the stars.
we keep on falling.
the sound grabs us.
we are floating on tones.
the star is looking.
the darkness stops laughing.
the sun stops crying.
i stop breathing.
the mouth of the desert screams.
it is no scream but a sight.
a sight never to be seen again.
no hand anymore.
i see darkness again.
i smile.
my eyes reach the stars.
they shine.
the spirits come back to the sun.
darkness looks.
the hand is back.
the spirits are back.
i am back.
i am breathing again.
i look at darkness.
there is no darkness.
an echo of a laugh.
i stand in the middle.
there is the sun.
there is the tree.
there is the rose.
there is she.

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